WARNING: This post is not about sleep. I know you may not be able to wrap your head around that, so I thought I should let you know ahead of time so that you're not trying to read between the lines, trying to figure out how it relates to sleep, since that's pretty much all I've talked about so far.
Zia finally has a room. Yes, he's technically had a physical room all along, but it's finally set up to look like his room, rather than a dumping ground. It's very exciting.
As I was finishing it up the other day, he was sitting on the floor playing with toys. I had to vacuum the futon because it had plaster from my belly cast on it. (Zia's room is also the guest room; hence, the futon.) The vacuum was right next to him on the floor, and one of the things he was playing with was a soft fabric block. As soon as I turned on the vacuum, he put his head straight down on top of the block. Like an ostrich putting his head in the sand.
I turned off the vacuum to make sure he was okay, and he brought his head up. So, I went ahead and turned it on again. What did he do?? Head straight back down on the block! Hil.ar.i.ous.
I decided to be nice and finish it up with him in my arms, since he was clearly traumatized by the vacuum's noise.
Once I finished that, I set him up on the futon so I could vacuum the floor, figuring he'd be okay since he wasn't on the floor next to it.
What happened??
This photo doesn't capture the heart of it. His little hands were up next to his ears, plastering himself against the futon like he was in a stick-up.
And what did his loving mom do each time? Laugh.
And then tell his dad about it, who proceeded to help me recreate it so he could see it. (That's where the photos come from, which is why they're not as good as the original moments.) Great parents, huh?!
He's a funny little guy. So much for the vacuum calming babies!
Oh god. I almost died laughing reading this post.