Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Relaxation Dance

We finally got around to recording our script. I can't remember if I mentioned this earlier or not, but part of our childbirth class includes recording a meditation script and a relaxation script -- in the partner's voice. It's kind of cool, since that will be the voice there helping you through the labor, why not have it as practice relaxation as well? 

Well, with all that's been going on recently (car shopping, work drama, etc.), we didn't get around to doing the recording until the night before our third class (and there's only five!). So, that means that last night after class was the first time that I listened to the relaxation script.

Just to fill in quickly here, the meditation one is shorter and is to be done in the morning. The relaxation is a full visualization journey to the ocean, engulfed by a cloud, etc. and takes a good 15-20 minutes to get through (poor Mo, trying not to make mistakes while recording!). You listen to this one while lying down, so it's fine to do before bed.

So, last night we got home from class and I did my full routine. (Put on the hot water to prep my hippie pregnancy tea and yoga exercises that are to be done twice a day while waiting.) Once I got through that routine, I headed back to bed to listen to Mo's voice guiding me through the visualization (which made me forget that I'm supposed to get a one-minute massage from him every night -- what kind of a dolt keeps forgetting that?!).

Anyway ....

I laid down on my side and listened to Mo take me into a state of relaxation, and Blueberry WENT WILD!!!! Wow!! I'd be curious to listen to it with a different voice to see if hearing Daddy's voice made a difference or if it was just the relaxed state, but Blueberry, usually a very active baby, has NEVER been that active! It was crazy!! Full-on, all-limbed bouncing around, kickin' it up, punchin' away, frenzied dancing. It was hilarious. I'm thinking Blueberry must have a tail or an extra limb or something, because it definitely felt like more than just four limbs and a head making action in there. Of course, it was then harder to relax, because I was so fascinated by what was happening in my belly. Though the fact that it was happening was proof enough that the relaxation was taking place, I guess. It's really hard to describe.

Which gives me pretty strong hope for labor. If that's all it takes for me to relax enough for Blueberry to be ready to pop on out, well then you can bet that that recording is coming with us to the hospital!!

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