Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Body Catch-Up

Let me just be clear that I am not about to complain. Because, really, I've had it easy. Here I am, 4.5 weeks prior to my due date, and I'm just now starting to have some of the body wackiness. 

But still.

I looked down on Monday at work and freaked out. 'What happened to my ankles and feet and what are THESE things at the end of my legs?!?!' Whoa! They were HUGE! Mind you, it had been quite warm here that day and especially the day prior (sorry, Midwestern family and friends). And I really hadn't properly hydrated on Sunday. And I've known it was coming. But my gosh -- what WAS that?!

Needless to say, I'm working much harder to get those feetsies UP these days. Which then becomes difficult when I'm also supposed to now be concentrating on sitting forward more so as to help Blueberry get well positioned to not give me a painful back birth. The two do not combine well, so I feel like I'm constantly going back and forth between sitting forward and then getting the feet up.

Luckily, the feet/ankles did get back to normal. *Whew* But they seem to be more puffed up by the end of the day.

Especially with my walking on my commute -- 15 minutes in the morning and at night to get between work and drop-off/pick-up points. Though it's starting to take me longer, because though I don't feel slowed down in general, after about 5-10 minutes of walking briskly, I'm starting to get this tight feeling in the side of my lower legs. I don't even know what muscle that is -- it's not the shin, it's not the calf. I think it's the tendon that comes up from the Achilles' heel?? I don't know. In any case, it doesn't like my brisk walking. So I guess I have to slow down. *sigh*

But like I said, I'm NOT complaining. It could be much worse than this. And it could have been worse than this earlier! So I'll take what I have and be thankful. 

But I still think I get to at least whine a little ... :)

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