Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In the In-Between

I feel like I'm in this weird stage of pregnancy right now. I've moved past the tiredness (phew) and I never got sick (double phew), but I'm not yet showing and I can't feel anything.

So people ask me how it's going, and I say, "Fine, I guess." I guess I have to go with the 'ole 'No news is good news' adage on this one. 

I think it's partially because we opted to tell people so early. I mean, who are we kidding -- secrets are not a strength of Mo's or mine. If it's really important to someone else to keep something quiet, sure. It's just that we ourselves are not the private types -- we like to include people in things. But since we've been telling people for two over two months already, it's already old news, and yet there's no proof. (Well, we do have the ultrasound, and I DID get super tired, and even last night I did sleep 10.5 hours, but you know ... no belly!! Okay, fine, I do have a belly, but that's the same belly I've always had!)

Speaking of ultrasound, my friend Meriah the super-blogger gave me a tip on how to get a photo of it on here. Let's see if I get it to work.

There s/he is -- little Blueberry. A month ago already! S/he is already the size of an apple this week! (Mo's mom is thoroughly amused by this tracking by food size thing that Baby Center tells us each week. She doesn't read the emails but asks Mo each week and then comments about us young people in sort of an amused voice...)

So anyway, back to this in-between-ness. Mo keeps asking if I've posted on Facebook about my pregnancy yet or if I've shared the blog beyond my parents and two friends. Somehow, since it feels like nothing is happening, and despite the fact that we've passed the first trimester mark, I just can't bring myself to be 'that public' (um, even though pretty much everyone knows already -- at least those in the Bay Area) until after I have my next doctor's appointment next Monday.

Weird, I know. But I need more proof that something's happening.

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