Saturday, September 11, 2010


It occurred to me that I hadn't mentioned when Blueberry's inner part of the journey is scheduled to end.

It depends on who you ask.

When we first found out I was pregnant, I entered the required information into the online calculator, and it came up as March 13, much to Mo's delight. Why, you ask? Because that's his birthday, and he thinks that would be a fabulous birthday present.

On the other hand, Kaiser (our hospital) has assigned March 11, based on giving them the same date that I entered online.

Yet I'm pretty sure that the conception date, based on my careful tracking, was somewhere around the 20th or 21st of June, which would make a due date March 20th or 21st.

In any case, it's all a gamble anyway. Since I'm already surrounded by March birthdays (Mo, my brother David, his partner Sara, and several friends), I'm already the outcast and have resigned myself to the fact that someone else is joining the March Birthday Club, leaving me out even further.

So, I think it's fair to ask that Blueberry at least have the decency to join the world on an even-numbered day of the month. You may or may not know this, but I have a very strong thing against odd numbers. I'm not really sure why, particularly since I tend to like things and people that are odd, but I've always harbored resentment against those pesky odd numbers. (Though I'm occasionally willing to concede 5 as an honorary even number, depending on my mood, since it so evenly breaks down each set of ten numbers.) Since Mo & I decided to get married on New Year's Day in 2009, I already have an anniversary of 1/1/2009. Look at all those odd numbers! Ah! My birthday is such a fantastic combination of even numbers -- 10/26/76. Isn't it pretty? So smooth in its execution. So, since Blueberry will already be born in the 3rd month of the year 2011, all I ask for is an even number between the 3 & the 11. 

I think that's fair.

1 comment:

  1. I get you on the love for even numbers, BUT I can't help but want Blue to be born the 21st... that would be just too*too cool. Spring Equinox! Second to that would be the 8th. Since 3+8= 11. I like the symmetry there. I deeply regret not choosing May 3rd for Micah's b'day since it WOULD have been 5+3= 8... Sigh.
