A simple five-letter word: sugar.
I swore I was going to be the model mother, healthy as can be. My friend told me back in October about this book 'Origins' that talks about the effects of food on the baby in utero, and I meant to get it right away. In my defense, I think I've been on the hold list for it at the library since the beginning of November and haven't managed to secure it yet. So in the meantime, I've addicted Blueberry to sugar.
I guess it only makes sense that blueberries are served with sugar? Okay, fine. It's because I'm addicted to sugar. I *love* sugar. It's not entirely my fault. I come from an ice cream family. I'm only trying to pass on traditions, which is what parents are supposed to do, right?
As I mentioned in the feeling post, we have noticed somewhat of a trend when I OD on sugar, where Blueberry's dance craze gets kicked up to the level of Saturday Night Fever meets krumping.

Suffice it to say that Blueberry was having a veritable rager in my belly that night. I think all the neighbors were there and they were having a full-on dance-off, with the bass booming.
It's funny, because I haven't really noticed any of the cravings I'm 'supposed' to get as a pregnant person. When people ask Mo what I've been craving, he just says, 'the usual'. (i.e. ice cream and other sugar yumminesses!)
Oh well. I guess there are worse things than dooming Blueberry to a life of sugar. And really, it's clear that Blueberry appreciates the opportunity to dance it off! So it turns out I'm a fabulous mother, after all.
well, your glucose came back fine, right?!! I gotta say too, it's interesting what they turn out to like... or not. I never really liked sweets/ice cream all that much, then ate more of it than ever in my life while pregnant with Micah. He passes up offers of ice cream all the time, in favour of fruit. Howaboutthat. So your 'blueberry on toast' might want just that...blueberries. On toast.
ReplyDeleteYep, it did. Though I just got an email today telling me that my iron is low, so guess I gotta buy a supplement for that. Annika keeps telling me that she ate lots of sweets while pregnant too and that her son isn't really into them either, so I'll keep reassuring myself with that. But still, after the holidays, I think I'll make more of an effort to cut back. But not till then!! :)