Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sight for Sore Eyes

We have arrived at the final sensory post: sight. 

It's fitting, as there's finally something to report visually, as I'm finally developing a belly! It's so fascinating how different it is for everyone. In fact, at my prenatal yoga class today, there were three of us in a row who were in our 28th weeks -- two of us are due March 11, and one March 9. And our bellies were all so different! Of course, our bodies are different to start with, but it's still fascinating to me!

It's even more fascinating how quickly it's changing. It was just two weeks ago that I suddenly had a belly (this photo is two weeks old now -- I have to get a new one uploaded), and now it's expanding practically by the day. We saw my co-worker today, and she said it was different from just Friday, two days ago! 

When we got to Hawaii, I thought my ankles had also already plumped out, but then I realized that A) it was hot, and B) we had just gotten off the plane. *Whew!* I had a moment of panic, thinking that I knew that the ankle explosion was coming but that I wasn't prepared for three months of it! The belly I want; the tree trunk legs/ankles I could do without!

The other things that are visually changing are that my hair really does grow faster, and my toenails are out of control. I keep thinking I'm going to scratch Mo to death while I'm sleeping -- and that he'll end up tangled up within my hair -- you know, just like the new Rapunzel movie.

And I know this is just the beginning ... my visual will continue to be radically different from here on out! It's such a bizarre/fascinating process!

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