If this nose could talk, it would tell you the following:
1. There IS such a thing as WAY too much perfume/cologne. (And it doesn't take much, folks.)
2. Your smoking DOES affect other people.
3. Smelling a big order of Chinese food can make me want Chinese food, regardless of how greasy it is and how badly I know I will feel afterward.
4. Baking always smells good. (Okay, well this is always true, but I thought I'd throw it in. Yum.)
I like to think that none of this is out of the ordinary for me, but I do have to say that the sense of smell has been heightened the last few months. As I've now become a casual carpooler, I find myself trapped in the confined space of another person's car on an almost daily basis, with no control over the amount of extra stinkage the driver or my fellow passenger has put on for the day -- or whether they have smoked just prior to entering the car. I just have to suck it up (literally) and bear it for the 20-minute ride in.
This happens in my office too, that people come in for our services and I'm trapped in my office, which is admittedly larger than a car, with nowhere to run for the duration of our meeting, which is often an hour. Aahh!! I feel assaulted!
I'll be curious to see if it feels any different for me post-birth, or if I'm just buying into others telling me that it's currently heightened. It just feels so obvious when there's something that is attacking my nose that I find it hard to believe that it's a result of extra-sensitivity, and not just something totally obvious. To all.
Yeah, The Hub is a good barometer for if its bionic pregnancy nose or regular nose. I'll complain bitterly at smell x only to have him gently tell me that mere mortals can't smell anything. You need a canary in the coal mine. Also, think about picking up an air purifier for your office. We have an industrial one for the house and it is a godsend since I can't stand the smell of cooking food.