'What is that?', you ask.
Well, it's a pretty fabulous alternative to a baby shower. The emphasis is more on the mother -- showering her with wisdom and blessings as she's about to begin her journey of motherhood -- and less on the baby, who already gets lots of attention. We were all asked to bring a bead to add to a necklace that she'll wear for the birth for inspiration, thus carrying her loved ones with her into the labor process.
It's always so interesting to me how we all bring something different to a situation, particularly one in which we're asked to do something very specific like bring a bead for the necklace. Everyone had their own take on what to offer to her -- some more focused on the birth process and what would be helpful then, some focused more on what kind of a person she is and therefore what she will carry on to her baby, some more on a reflection of the friendship between the mother and the person offering the bead. In the end, it was one of the more beautiful (albeit eclectic) necklaces you've seen, and I know that it will offer her much strength and inspiration as she faces the challenges and wonder of birth.
I was really struck as I was there at how wonderful it is to be in a roomful of women. We had a ton of healthy, tasty food (on the healthier side than normal since the mother is vegan), there was nothing but love flowing through the room, and everyone had nothing but encouragement and beautiful thoughts about bringing children into this world. We all worked together to make the necklace work, sharing stories as we worked.

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